Columbus, Ohio 43035

The Leader in Microsoft Azure Architect and Azure Cloud Migrations

Azure Cloud Services
Cloud Strategic Plans, Architect, Provisioning, Migration Plans and Implementation, DevOps Configurations, Operation and Maintenance, and Cloud Support

Develop Cloud Strategy Plans:
Collaborate with stakeholders, business leadership and customers to understand business strategies and goals; Discover and Assess IT services that are ready for cloud adoption and provide road map for the unready ones; Define roadmap for the cloud journey with the sequence of actions; Define fall back plans to on premise if the need arises; Create and document the comprehensive cloud strategy plan; present the strategy to technical and non-technical stakeholders; Implement the cloud center of excellence to educate staff on cloud technology.
Architect Cloud Solutions:
Design the cloud solutions to meet the organization's business objectives; Define the required performance, reliability, scalability, efficiency, security, monitoring, disaster recovery, data protection, encryption, RBAC, IAM, etc. and include them in the design.; Define the needed cloud resources, services and cloud providers to use such as Azure, AWS, Google, etc.; Ensure compliance with relevant regulations and Governing policies; Create blueprints, design documents, and technical specifications and present them to stake holder including technical and non-technical leaders. ;
Develop Cloud Migration plans and implementation:
Create the details of the cloud migration plans; Lead migrations actions for the systems, applications, data, etc.; Collaborate with all teams such as operations, security and DevOps for the successful migration of services; Lead the provisioning and deployment of the cloud resources and services; Work with the Operations, security and DevOps teams to update their skills, processes and procedures; Keep the Business leaders and stakeholder well informed; Take Ownership of any unforeseen issues.;
Optimize Current Cloud Environments:
Analyze cloud services for improving performance, availability, scalability, Security and cost; Promote adoption of automation such as IaC, CaC, DevOps, CI/CD, etc.; Lead efficiency improvements such as resources consolidations and costs reduction; Review SLA’s, support contracts, processes, and procedures for opportunity of improvements; Implement and promote best practices and industry standards; Collaborate with cross-functional teams such as the DevOps, systems admins, DB Admin, Security admin, etc. and provide them leadership and mentorship; Develop training programs, knowledge sharing and collaborations tools; Stay up to date with the latest advancements in cloud technologies. ;
Azure Cloud (IaaS) Architect:
Design and configuration of virtual network, subnetting, security groups, VPN's gateways, express route, CDN's, traffic manager, peering, user routes, DNS, DHCP, network appliances, application gateway, load balancers, virtual machine , scale sets, availability sets, azure storages (LRS, GRS, RA-GRS)(Blob, Queue, table), SAS Access, Key Vault, security center, network watcher, monitor, advisor, snapshots, images, market place, containers, container services, application continuous deployment (CI/CD), SQL, Docker Images, backups, recovery services, key vault, storage simple, import/export, etc.;
Azure Cloud (PaaS):
Design and deployment of Azure Apps Services, Services Plans, Web Services, functions, Logic Apps, SQL Databases, Cosmos non-SQL DB, Data Factories, Redis Caches, service bus, web App for container, custom Docker images, databases Geo redundancy, Traffic Manager, CDN, scale sets (scale up/out), Event Hub, IoT Hub, API Management, security groups, OMS, monitoring, security center, Identity management, alerts, PowerShell, Cli 2.0, Arm Template, Desired State Configuration, runbooks, extensions, etc., ADD, B2C, Application registration, AD Connect, users, groups, devices, etc.
Azure IaC and CaC Automation:
Terraform, ARM Template, PowerShell, Cli, Desired State Configuration, runbooks, extensions, OMS, monitoring, security center, Identity management, alerts, ADD, B2C, Application registration, AD Connect, users, groups, devices, etc.